Scott and his mom got the chance to see the BYU vs. Utah game last Saturday. Carol Jean had not been to a BYU game since she went to school there. This was a happy day for her and Scott - mostly because BYU won! And thanks to Max Hall, our kids had a great Family Home Evening lesson about standing for something at all times, and in all places. We discussed the fact that Max Hall was angry, but that he was not being a good example, and unfortunately, he will be remembered for his speech, not for his abilities on the field that day. We also spoke about the fact that you can't let your emotions overtake your values. All in all, it was a pretty good lesson for our kids.
I think the FHE lesson idea is great! What a good game, too.
Nice to hear that something good came out of Max halls comments.
OK long enough!!!! We need baptism pictures, Winter pictures. Skiing pictures. Come on - help us out!
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