Check him out in this picture.....he isn't even touching the ground - the cast doesn't slow him down at all!

Zack started limping a couple of weeks ago, and complaining about his foot hurting. Of course I just thought it was the tiny sliver in his foot, and kept squishing his foot into his shoe, and making him walk from the parking lot to preschool, and wondering why he was so ornery. After his teacher at school said he was complaining at school about his foot, I figured I better get it checked out. Scott took him to Primary Children's Emergency Room to see our friend who is a doctor there. They X-rayed it, and sure enough the venicular bone was dead, and just starting to regenerate. The doctors said it was Kohler's Disease, and they hadn't seen it before, let alone, treated it. I called his doctor the next day (after the Orthopedic Doctor said it would be a couple of weeks until they could get him in), and they said they'd call me back to let me know what the treatment was. She was honest with me when she called back and said she was reading out of a book about this disease, and that no one had ever seen it in their office. The treatment is very simple, just keep his foot in a walking cast for 6 weeks, and he should be good as new with no lasting effects. We are so glad it was nothing more, and so grateful for the health of our children.
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